Hidroponia Perlindustria

Hydroponics or hydroponic farming with is a method of growing plants that uses mineral solutions in an inert medium (expanded perlite) replacing agricultural land.

The roots receive a nutritionally balanced solution dissolved in water, which contains the essential nutrients required by the developing plants that are growing in the inert medium provided by the expanded perlite thermal insulation.

Hydroponic agriculture is used in the plant cultivation where agricultural soil is replaced by mineral solutions.

The benefits of hydroponics with expanded perlite

  • Greater control over plant nutrition.
  • Increased plant performance, more production.
  • Fruits are equal, less difference in size.
  • Significant water savings.
  • Plant oxygenation.
  • Low soil temperature/growth medium.

Perlindustria products for hydroponics

2002 PERLINDUSTRIA manufactures bags with expanded perlite for hydroponic cultivation. We produce hydroponics to solve the limitations of conventional agriculture. Its characteristics and uses are specified in the following product data sheet, which can be downloaded below:

Hydroponic Crop